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20 Jan 2019

Four of our most memorable specialist vehicles of 2018

Investments in our customers’ fleet replacement programmes saw the delivery of some innovative and specialist new vehicles in 2018 including four particularly memorable arrivals.

Sand skimmers: Two Puma sand skimmers arrived in March joining the filter beds fleet at Essex & Suffolk Water. The vehicles feature laser levelling technology and interchangeable heads for skimming and levelling.

Digger Derrick: The first of its kind ever commissioned, this digger derrick is articulated and insulated and can carry poles and transformers, dig holes with the auger, plant and remove poles and has a detachable one man bucket too. It joined Northern Powergrid in October.

Silent Power electric van: One of three to join Northern Powergrid’s silent power fleet in the summer, the vehicles use an onboard energy storage system to provide a clean and silent temporary power supply to between one and seven domestic customers during power cuts.

NWGrow Biosolids wagon: Four specially designed 8-wheeled rigid tipper wagons joined Northumbrian Water Group’s bioresources fleet in September to transport digested sludge cake for use in agriculture.

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